The notified body has examined our MiloX technical design, and it is now passed conformity assessment successfully. MiloX is totally new product system, which ensures whole new way of working to our customers. MiloX is combination of different functions that together form a system which fulfils the recommendations and requirements of OIML and WELMEC. Ontec MiloX is a measuring system complying with the European Union Measuring Instruments Directive (MID 2014/32/EC). It is MID MI-005 approved dynamic measuring system for measuring liquids other than water.
Ontec was the first company in the world to develop a MID approved digital connection with flowmeters, enabling usage of data of volume, mass, and density in a MID approved manner. Traditional double pulse meters can also be connected to the system with MID approval.
Our product development is based on constant improvement. Knowing our clients, their field of business and combining this to committed employees we produce high quality product combinations to our clients.
The parts of the system are flow meter and OnatexMID liquid loading and measurement system. Liquid flow can be controlled and loading stopped with flow valve. The system ends to transfer point. As optional parts strainer, gas separator and temperature measurement can be added to the system.

- The whole system is approved and comply with the requirements of standards
- All parts of the system are approved and comply with the requirements of standards
- High performance and reliability
- Optimized installation at site, the system is ready at once
- Seamless delivery when one supplier is responsible of the project
- Reduces downtime at the site during integration
Why product standardization is important?
The product standard shows that Ontec Oy’s product development serves as a level of sustainable development for high-quality products. Product standardisation ensures a sustainable and high-quality product.
Product standard has many benefits
- Improve quality
- Qualifying common rules
- Safe to use
- Compatible
- Reliable
Standardization at Ontec is closely connected to international work. Most standards are international and therefore effective global tools. In Finland, SFS serves as the National Standards Body (NSB). Standardization work is carried out in standardization groups comprising of SFS and various organisations representing their respective industries, i.e. standards writing bodies. SFS is a member of CEN, the European Committee for Standardization, and ISO, the International Organization for Standardization.

National representation in standardization is divided between three organisations: In the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Finland is represented by the Finnish Standards Association SFS. In the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the European Committee For Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC), Finland is represented by the Finnish Electrotechnical Standards Association SESKO.
Standards are important to us and to our clients because it ensures that our products are always produced according to the requirements. This is specailly important when our clients operate in potentially explosive atmospheres (ATEX). Standards improve business. They make actions and operations easier to manage and more efficient. As most standards are international, it follows that exporting products or services becomes much less complicated when they conform to international standards. In Europe, for example, many requirements have been agreed upon in standards that the importer can then follow, making it unnecessary to delve into the national legislation of each separate country.
Measuring Instruments Directive, MID
Measuring Instruments Directive known as MID is one of the so-called CE Directives, controlling safety requirements, manufacturing, and approval of measuring instruments. MID regulates both legal metrology related measuring instruments and software. Usage of measurement instruments is regulated by national authorities.
- MID approved system gives grounds for correct taxation
- MID approval is an assurance of correct fiscal data (custody transfer)